Saturday, November 5, 2011

Caution!! The cult is expanding!

Consider this as your fair warning! May of 2012 the McCrory Cult will be growing by one!  Who? You ask? Who would be stupid enough to not only marry a McCrory, but intentionally sleep with one.... and dare I say, reproduce!?! 
     Well, I never claimed to be the smartest of them all.... so I must admit that it is Mikey and Me! We're Expecting!! And yes! It's a baby! Today, Nov. 5th, we are exactly 13 weeks along and couldn't be happier!
See! It's True!
     We started trying for a baby in March... we purposely waited 1 year after we married b/c we wanted to enjoy each other and get used to the 'living together' thing before we introduced more craziness into our house. We also had a loooong list of things we wanted to have complete before we got pregnant...dull, boring, grown-up stuff. ( i.e a new dishwasher, hardwood floors, new washer/dryer, an arbor over the patio, credit cards paid off, a new vehicle for Mikey, and a storage shed built.) Well, I am happy to say that all but the shed have been completed! By March we will have saved enough to pay for one!...just before the baby gets here! I have to say that this is a very great feeling of accomplishment! Kind of lame, I know....but Hey, your priorities change when you get married, right?  (well, some people's do anyway...but that's another blog in itself)
     We tried for about 3 months before I started to get irritated. I know I sound ridiculous right now, but in those 3 months, my cousin Lindsey, my sister, a friend of ours Amy, and a girlfriend at work all found out they were expecting! What are the freakin' odds!?! So I was doing everything right, prenatal care, eating right, exercising on a regular basis, followed up with all my doctors to make sure all aspects were lined up. I even went to my OBGYN to make sure it was okay to start trying!! (Idiot, I  know!) And still, nothing. We tested on days 6 AND 3 (before my missed period) EVERY single month! That is a ton of money! But we thought we HAD to! Just for peace of mind. After the 5th and 6th month, I was so tired of trying. It was like clock work. We knew the exact days to try and not to, we charted everything, kept up with all kinds of numbers, and even had apps on our phones to log it all. I finally said to Mikey "That's it. It'll happen when it happens." I was so angry and felt like I had done something to make God mad at me and punish me. I just had to let it go. It was so hard. I know that 7 months isn't long at all, but it just seemed like everyone and their momma was pregnant....and not even trying to be that way, and I wanted it so bad and had prepared for a year, and had all the steps down, doing it all the 'right' way...and it got me no where. I can not tell you how many times I cried and prayed and cried some more. But. What do you know, as soon as I said I can't handle it anymore, and gave it to God.... BAM!! (and it wasn't only me praying! I had my Nanny, my girlfriend Lexi, Mikey, a few other close friends praying everyday... I mean I would even send them reminders to pray for us!) We were pregnant within a month and half. Just like that. Easier said than done, I know. Trust me.
Don't pay attention to the
piece of bangs sticking straight
out...Hubs took the pic.
     So as I get further along, my belly gets slightly larger each week.... go figure. I can still wear my normal clothes, they just fit a little 'differently' now. My hair is fabulously thick and my nails are growing like crazy! The morning sickness has subsided for now, and the tiredness is slowly fading away too! Things are looking good! Warm baths and naps are my best friends right now :) And that is 100% okay. I'm going to enjoy this pregnancy while I can... It's only going to last 9 months. And if you had a terrible experience, Well keep that mess to yourself because frankly, I don't give a rat's butt. I do not need any negativity.... so Thank you in advance.
     By this time next year, we will have 3 new babies on the Read side! Lindsey is having a girl, Ily, Kerrie is having a boy, Mason, and we are having a ...... well, we don't know yet. We find out in January. JANUARY! Geez. I guess I'll make it until then. I just feel like it's a boy, and Mikey "knows" it's a girl. We have our names picked out...and have for a very, very long time :)  Isaac and Evie. Both are family names and mean a lot to both of us. If you don't like the names, keep that to yourself too! You get to name your children, and we get to name ours! And if you have a baby before us and you steal our names, God help you. I will pray for you.  (ever heard that song with the same title? :) )
       Christmas and Easter and all the holidays will be so much more fun next year! The Read's youngest kid is like 8! We haven't had bitty babies in forever!!
     I think everyone is excited for us... God only knows what this baby will turn out like. But I can guarantee you one thing. It will never ever wonder what it feels like to be loved or to know that it is cared for and is surrounded by support and love. We will try our best to make sure that it feels special and important every day of it's life. We may not be perfect parents, we've never said that we would be, but we will spend every second of the day trying to do what's best for him or her.
     We have gotten one ultrasound so far, and it was the neatest, most awesome sight I've ever seen. Precious. It was moving like crazy and had it's little hands up to it's face. Ah. My heart melted. We've also heard the heart beat! And again, awesome! There really is a life in there!!  :)
Sweet, Huh? Those boots are T.I.N.Y!
     So basically, we are on cloud nine right now! I know that it was God's perfect timing. Mikey will be a terrific dad...the kind that blames all the bad things on mom and makes me do all the punishing... But plays his heart out and tries his hardest to make the baby happier than any other baby in this world. I can not wait to see him hold it for the very first time :) He rubs my belly every day and tells the baby "good-bye and I love you" every morning before he leaves. I don't ever want to forget how we feel right now...even before we meet our baby. I know it only gets better! :)
    I had a ton of other stuff to blog the fast and furious hay ride in Sardis and MeMe's surprise birthday party, but I got a bit side tracked with this pregnancy thing...and well, there's always tomorrow. Stay tuned for more blogs on the past few months.... and get ready for a few laughs. God love it.

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